How to Protect Your website From Hackers

Fayaz Ali

Cyber security has been big news recently. As more companies deal with hacks, more people see the importance of security. These attacks also reveal how vulnerable most data actually is.

Website Hacking Picture

Thousands of websites are hacked every day. More than 18 million are infected with malware at any time. It’s easy to see why every website administrator needs to think about security.

As admins like you take steps to protect websites and apps, attackers will change tactics. This means security threats are always changing, and so are the methods you’ll use to fight back.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the top cyber security trends of 2019. By keeping an eye on these issues and trends, you can take steps to protect your website in 2019.

Cyber Security Trends Include More Regulation

Almost everyone who collects data knows about the EU’s General Data Protection Rule. This new law introduced all kinds of measures to protect people’s information.

It also made many businesses change how they handled tasks like email marketing. Many website owners now use pop-ups to explain how they collect and use data.

In 2019, you can expect to see this trend toward more regulation continue. Changing procedures to ensure you’re following new laws can be expensive. Compliance, though, is now a competitive advantage.

Your website visitors are more security-savvy. They’re going to demand more of your company. They want to know how you collect, store, and use their data. They’ll also want to know what steps you take to protect their information

Cyber Security Insurance is on the Rise

With cyber security news now in the public eye, companies can’t hide breaches and attacks. They may also face lawsuits from customers who have their data stolen or compromised in a breach.

More business owners will look for ways to protect themselves in the event a breach happens. Insurance covering cyber security incidents is likely to be popular in 2019.

An insurance policy doesn’t let you off the hook when it comes to security. You’ll still have to take reasonable steps to protect your website and networks. A good insurance policy could reduce your liability when a breach happens.

Hackers Move from Data Theft to Manipulation

One of the current cyber security issues is what to do as hackers move from stealing data to changing it. Once they have access to your database, what’s to stop them from changing information?

This type of attack will hurt businesses even more than data theft. It will compromise the integrity of data. Long-term reputational damage is likely with this kind of attack.

It will also cause more complex problems for businesses. Imagine customers getting overdue notices after an attack changes their information. It’s easy to see the dangers of this kind of attack.

AI Increases the Finesse of Attacks

Emerging trends in cyber security see people asking how to deal with AI-enhanced attacks. Hackers are using machine learning and artificial intelligence to cover their tracks. It’s making breaches even more difficult to find.

Of course, AI can also be on your side. Some cyber security experts point to increased use of AI to combat threats as well.

Phishing is Still on Top

When people think of cyber security, they often think of viruses and malware. Although these types of attack still exist, they’re actually much less common than they were in the past. New types of threats have replaced these older ones.

Phishing scams are one of the top security threats facing any company today. Email attacks target your co-workers, asking them to allow access to your network.

Attackers will also continue using techniques such as elongated URLs and credential-harvesting sites. Your colleagues and customers remain the biggest threat to security. Hackers take advantage of the human element.

As a result, most businesses will increase their security education efforts. Teaching people about the threats they’re likely to see and how to deal with them is key to security.

Be sure to discuss network security topics with everyone in your company. With the right training, everyone can do their part to improve security.

Multi-Factor Authentication is the New Norm

One of the ongoing discussions in cyber security is how to make transactions more secure. We’ve known for years that even the strongest password doesn’t provide true security. Security experts must look for new ways to protect sensitive data.

The use of multi-factor authentication is gaining popularity. This means asking for more information, besides a password. Some financial apps use biometrics, such as facial recognition, to improve security.

As multi-factor authentication becomes common, cybercriminals will learn to get around it. Biometric information is already being used to hack into accounts and networks.

Multi-factor authentication offers more security than a password alone. It’s still not enough to provide true security. You’ll need to do more.

A Focus on Security in the Cloud

There’s no denying the popularity of the cloud. As companies move to the cloud, the subject of cloud security has become more important. Exposed API keys and other issues have left many vulnerable to attack in the cloud.

If you use cloud hosting or a cloud-based database for a web app, cloud security should be a priority. You’ll want to look at both current issues and new solutions.

Take Steps to Protect Your Website

Whether it’s securing the cloud or more security measures to log-in, you must protect your website. Everyone who visits your site is putting their trust in you.

Cyber security trends show attacks will be more sophisticated in 2022and beyond. You’ll need to be ready.

The good news is many of the steps you can take to improve security also help you build a better website. If you’re looking for more ways to improve your website, take a look at our blog for more ideas.

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