Learn Telepathy
Telepathy is the way to transmit your messages to other persons and control subject's Mind, give them suggestions as you want.
Mind Reading Tricks
Here you Get most Amazing information about how to read mind or Learn Telepathy. There are many Tips And Tricks You will read.
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Mind Reading Scene |
Open up Your Spirit
In addition to clearing your mind of all thoughts and stress, you must open up your energy to the people and possibilities around you . Don't think about anything.
You must want to be present in the moment . Your mind and soul should soak up the energy given off by the People and things around you. Yoga is great at teaching us how to do this.But you can learn it on your own at home in the quietness of your room.
Just make Sure people will leave you alone while you begin to focus your thoughts and energy.
Seeing and not Seeing
Take a few moments to truly see the person sitting near you. Make a mental snapshot of their facial structure, their hair, their eyes, their posture, their body language, and other details.
But you also must see everything else around that person.
You have to have a mental column that separates traits of the person and the other things that don’t belong to that person. Separate the person from the chair they are sitting in or the wall behind them. All of these things must be visualized in a specific way so that you can feel all the energy being produced around you.
Focus On The Person
Now you want to return your focus to that person’s face. Look them directly in the eyes for about 15 seconds. Don’t stare too long or you might interrupt the energy by making the person feel uncomfortable. After 15 seconds pass, you will want to look away.
Make a mental picture of their face and their eyes. What does their energy feel like? Sit in silence now as you let the thoughts and feelings of that person fill your mind and your soul. You have now truly started the process of mind reading.
Begin a Conversation
The key is to welcome any thoughts that enter your mind at this point. Even if those thoughts are dark and troublesome, you want to give the person an accurate reading of their thoughts. In order to do that, you must keep your mind open to every possibility.
Maybe you didn’t have any clue before that your brother is depressed, and this revelation hurts you. But it’s best for your brother to know that you’re now aware of his struggles. And now you might be able to help him. The ability to read minds will give you a lot of power, but it’s a wonderful power if you use it wisely.
Emotional Intelligence
If you know the person you’re talking to, you can ask if they are feeling the same emotions you’re feeling. You’ll need to be patient with this. Many people aren’t very good at labeling their emotions. They may feel angry when they’re really just stressed out.
They could feel nervous when they’re just ready to move on to something else. If the person you talk to agrees with the emotions you sense, ask them if they can figure out any reasons why they might be feeling this way.
Finally, you can begin to offer suggestions on what they should do next to intensify or decrease these feelings. They will be amazed at your foresight and recognition.
This might sound more like psychiatry than psychic mind reading, but it’s one of the key ways to develop your natural skills.
Develop Keen Listening Skills
When someone talks, be completely in the moment with them. Don’t listen for the sake of being able to respond. Listen to the other person so that you are able to process and understand everything they are saying. But you must also listen to what they’re not saying as well. If someone isn’t looking forward to the rest of their day, there must be a reason for that. Careful listening will help you uncover those reasons and make them known to the person. In order to succeed, you’ll need to learn to listen more than you talk sometimes. Listening is how you learn about people and their emotions.
Don't Ignore Emotions
The reason people lack empathy today is because they choose to. We are told day in and day out to ignore our feelings so that we can get our work done and put on a strong face for the world.
The longer we ignore our feelings, the quicker they go away. Instead of thinking about the new email from the boss or what you’ll have for dinner later, think about how you feel. According to professional psychics, the more you can respond to your own feelings, the more you will be able to read and respond to the feelings and thoughts of other people in your life.
Goals Of Mind Reading
Having the ability to accurately predict how someone will react to a certain situation will help you in any social situation.
Honing this ability can help you decide if you want to take a “risk” with someone you have not known for long.
For example, there is someone new in your office and you are considering asking him or her to lunch. If you have honed your mind reading abilities, it will not take you long to have a good idea what their response will be.
This is just one situation where having the ability to read someone’s mind can be extremely helpful, there are thousands of instances, from the mundane to the very important, where this ability is critical.
Reading The Eyes
When talking to someone, especially when you are asking him or her questions, ensure that you are making eye contact with them. The old saying that “the eyes are windows into the soul” is accurate.
When you are speaking with someone, their eyes can give you an abundance of information about what they are thinking, and how they are going to react to you and your question.In hypnosis, this is called eye cues
With all people, their eyes and the area surrounding them are the most expressive region of the person. While people can sometimes stop other parts of their bodies from showing what they are thinking, the movements of the eyes are much more difficult to stop or mask.
Once you have learned how to read thoughts and emotions in a person’s eyes you have taken a huge step in improving your ability to read the mind of anyone you interact with. This is especially important when you are interacting with someone for the first time.
Judging Body Language
Having the ability to judge the mental state of those you meet is called “theory of mind.” This skill can also be honed with practice. For most people this skill is learned early in life because it can help us in many different situations.
For instance, as kids we all learn how to read the mental state of our parents. If they are in a bad mood, we refrain from asking for money, or other favors that could bring down the wrath of mom or dad.
Practice Mind Reading
As with any skill, the only way to increase your mind reading abilities is to practice these two skills. You can practice on anybody, your friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers.
Practice looking into the eyes of everyone you talk with, every time you talk with him or her. You can practice judging the mood of everyone you’re near. Take time to be observant at all times.
For example, if you have a doctor’s appointment study the people in the waiting room with you. If the person across the room is taking deep breaths, fidgeting, and looking preoccupied you can make this educated deduction.
You can take the distant look in the person’s eyes, their frequent deep breaths, and the fact that they are in the doctor’s office and deduce that the person is worried about whatever procedure they are about to receive.
Classic Elephant Tricks
In this trick, here is what you are told to do:
• Think of any number between 1 and 10 without saying out loud, just think of it
• Multiply your secret number by 2
• Add 8 to the number you got from your previous calculations
• Divide your answer by 2
• Subtract the original number from your answer above
• Convert the answer you get to a corresponding letter of the alphabet. Say, for 1 it’s letter A, For 2 it’s letter B and so on.
• Think of any country that starts with that letter.
• From that letter, skip one letter of the alphabet.
• Think of an animal that starts with that letter.
• Think of the color of that animal.
• So you should have a color, an animal and a country.
And the answer for this is a grey elephant from Denmark!
Classic Elephant Trick Explained
The math calculations you are going to do here is just meant to confuse your mind. Basically, after all these calculations you’ll come down to one answer, and that is 4, always. And then the letter that corresponds to it is D. When you are told to think of any country that starts with that letter, the first one that comes into most of people’s minds is Denmark, you can try it on someone.
From there, you are told to skip one letter of the alphabet, which leads you to an E. Then you are told to think of an animal that starts with that letter. The first animal that comes to your mind is an elephant. When you think of its color, you get grey. In conclusion, you have a color, grey with an animal, elephant and a country, Denmark. And you have yourself a grey elephant from Denmark.
Ashes On The Arm Trick
Here is what happens in this trick:
• The mentalist writes the identity of a playing card you’ll choose somewhere on paper.
• Then he ripples through a deck of playing cards and you are asked to choose a card in your mind.
• Once you choose, you keep it locked well.
• The mentalist shows you his prediction of what card you choose.
• It appears to be wrong, so, he burns the paper with the prediction.
• He then rubs the ashes he gets from the burnt prediction paper on his arm and the image of the card you choose in your mind appears on his arm.
Ashes On Arm Trick Explained
Before the trick is done, the mentalist draws the card he wants you to pick on his arm with a colorless lip balm. The mentalist chooses mostly black cards because they are going to show up very clearly on his arm as you will be using ashes to reveal it. Then, he chooses a random card and trims just a tiny bit of it at the top.
Once it’s cut, he places it right in front of his target card so that when he ripples through the deck, that target card is seen much longer than the rest
He then tells you to allow him to write the prediction first and he gets it wrong. He does that purposely so that he can burn that paper and get the ashes he needs to rub on the arm with the lip balm to get his target card’s image, which is the same you choose.
Read Hammer Trick
Here, you are given a piece of paper with the prediction of the last answer you’ll give to the questions you’ll be asked. You are told not to open it until you are through with answering the questions. And then, you are told to answer the following:
• What Day is Christmas?
• What number is between 1 and 3?
• What are hamburgers made of?
• What side of the road do they drive on in Europe?
Then you are asked to name a color and a tool. And you are told to think of it quickly and then say the answer out loud. The answer you give, and still which is written on the prediction paper is a red hammer.
Read Hammer Trick Explained
That exact series of questions has something about it that fires up the proper synapses in the brain and confine people to give the answer, red hammer. It pretty much narrows you down to that.
The Number Mind Reading Tricks
Here you are basically told to think of an odd number between 1 and 50 with both of the numbers odd, but the digits shouldn’t be the same. And then you are told not to say it out loud but to lock it safe in your mind and then visualize it.
Once you are sure of it, the mentalist tells you the number in your mind, and that is 37.
The Number Mind Reading Trick Explained
Here the actual secret lies in the performance of the actual trick. Basically, when you are told to think if two digits that are both odd and not the same, and between 1 and 50, many possibilities are eliminated. Firstly, the fact that they are odd numbers, from 1 to 50, half of them are automatically eliminated as they are all even numbers.
Telling them that the two digits shouldn’t be the same, you are indirectly telling them that they are not a 1 digit number, so the digits 1 through 9 are also eliminated. What is now left are thirteen, fifteen, seventeen, and nineteen which most people don’t think of, and the thirties, thirty one , thirty three, thirty five, thirty seven and thirty nine. Many people go for 37.
Touch Head Mind Reading Trick
Here, you are just asked to write any number you like on a paper and keep it secret so that the mentalist doesn’t see it. Now, he is going to read your mind by touching your head and get to read the number from your mind. And the number he gives is right!
Touch Head Mind Reading Trick Explained
Here, what happens is that the mentalist knows that the chances of you drawing a triangle inside a circle are high, so he’ll make a prediction of that. And once he’s done that, he’ll then use all possible means to get you to do that. Most of the time, he tries to hint you indirectly by illustrating it visually through the way he explains what he wants you to do.
He’ll draw the triangle in the circle in the air and you’ll pick it up subconsciously and draw it.
Reading Your Friend's Mind
Here, you and your friends will be locked in a room with 5 objects; deck of playing cards, pair of sunglasses, salt shaker, cell phone and a cup. And then the mentalist will have you choose one of the objects and keep it secret. He will then come into the room, read your mind and magically know which object you chose and get it absolutely right!
Reading Your Friend's Mind explained
In this case, the mentalist just chooses a person whom he’ll work with and get him to tell him through his body posture, specifically through the special signals he sends to the mentalist unknowingly. When he gets into the room, here is what he looks for in you and your friends, for the:
• Deck of playing cards, hands will be on the hips
• Pair of sunglasses, hands will be crossed
• Salt shaker, arms will be crossed
• Cell phone, hands will be behind the back
• Cup, hands will be in the pocket.
Crystal Ball Trick
Here, you are handed a square piece of paper with a crystal ball drawn on it and that has also been folded twice. And then you are told to write any number inside the ball. Once you are done, you hand it to him and he tears it up in front of you, without looking at it and then gives you the exact number you had written in a creative way that appears as if he read your mind. And he actually gets it correct!
Crystal Ball Trick Explained
Here, you need to notice that you’ve been handed a folded piece of paper and it is a square. The mentalist does this purposely because that is what will help him get to the number you’ve written without you noticing it. After you’ve written your secret number and handed it over to him, he starts tearing it up. This is where the deception happens.
As he tears, he cuts one side of the paper carefully while keeping track of the movement of the central part of it. Why he does this, is because the number you wrote has been dissected twice by that part. After he tears it up twice or thrice, he’ll wisely unfold it. Read it and then dispose it carefully and then give you the number.
United States Trick
In this trick, you are told to think of any state in the United States. And then you are told to read it in your mind as though you are spelling it. After that, you’ll be shown a table with many letters with no specific arrangement and with a variety of colors. You’ll then be told to identify the color of the last letter of the state you choose in the table and lock it your mind.
From there, the mentalist will look at you slyly and then tell you it is color RED, and it’s always that!
United States Trick Explained
Here, the secret is so simple and you’d probably know it at a mere glance. What the mentalist does, is to make the table have all the last letters of the US with the color red, so what they’ll be doing all along is try to confuse and pose as if you are giving away the color with your mind, when they already know it.
Nail Roulette
Here, the mentalist will have to pick a nail stuck underneath a bottle which is among two other bottles. Ideally, you’ll get a nail stuck onto the bottom part of a cup. Then, the mentalist or you, will slide this stuck nail in one of the three cups placed on top of a table and upside down. Then the mentalist will leave the room where this is happening to give you the time to shuffle them around so that it is difficult for him to know which bottle the nail is slid into.
After you are through with the shuffling, the mentalist comes in and starts pressing the plastic bottles downwards against the table to have them break. He does that for two bottles without getting pierced by the nail. And you automatically know that the nail is in the third bottle which has not been touched.
Nail Roulette Explained
The secret is in the nail. The stand that supports the nail so that it is able to stand firmly while facing upwards is attached to a short and very thin fishing line which slightly extends beyond the bottle. With this, he’ll be easily able to tell where the nail is by looking at the bottle which had the fishing line hanging outside the bottle.
Learn To Read Mind in 10 Minutes
- Clear your mind of all thoughts and worries and open yourself to the people and possibilities around you. Don’t think about anything. Feel everything. Become one with your environment and the individual whose mind you want to read.
- See what you see – then see what you don’t see. For example, look at a person closely and really focus on him. Then look at everything that’s NOT that person, including the chair he’s sitting in and the air around him.This will give you a feel for what the person is and isn’t, which is critical if you’re going to read his mind without interference from the forces and energies that flow in and around all of us.
- Look your subject directly in the eyes for 10 to 15 seconds and then quickly turn away. Visualize his face and eyes in your mind and focus intently on what you feel about him.
- At this point you will be tuned in to the person’s thoughts. Let them fill your mind.
- Strike up a conversation with the person. As you talk your mind will literally be flooded with his thoughts, feelings, wishes and plans. Trust your instincts and intuitions. Don’t deny the thoughts that are entering your mind. Act on them right away or file them in your memory for later use. The choice is yours to make.
Decoding all sorts of Nonverbal Expressions
I read somewhere that it is a fantastically complex skill, which requires a lot of practice. As the term says, it requires you to read the other person’s non-verbal emotions. The tone of the voice, quality of touch, facial expressions, handwriting style are the key clues to understanding someone’s feelings.
Infants, for obvious reasons, convey their thoughts through non-verbal facial expressions and their mothers are the best natural non-verbal communication decoders. Mothers actually are at all times best at decoding their children’s nonverbal expressions.
The Mirror Technique
You can replicate their body positions or their personality traits. Metaphorically speaking, it is somewhat similar to stepping in someone else’s shoes. It helps you empathize with what the other person might be feeling. Moreover, copying the actions of the person that you are trying to read, drives their mind in such a way that they feel compelled to let their inhibitions go and open up to you.
Deception Detection Technique
Most of us think of ourselves as pros at detecting lies but in reality there are only rare individuals who are like masters of lie detection. And if research studies are anything to go by, not all those who avoid eye contacts are liars. In fact, most liars maintain a steady eye contact than those who tell the truth, thus giving a sad realization of an evident fact that the act of deceiving has evolved in terms of smartness over the years.
Study The Context
One kind of gesture made at different situations could mean several things. Couples make a great subject for this technique. If the girl gives a wide-eyed expression to her man for a reason not obvious to you or anyone else, it could perhaps mean that she suddenly remembered something that she had earlier forgot to tell her hubby. However, if some friend of the man from the group suddenly reveals something about him that his partner was not aware of until that moment, then at that point of time her wide-eyed expression in reaction would mean that she is shocked and mad at her partner.
Play The Guess Game
If you know the person who seems to be hiding things a little too well, you can guess random things relevant to that person. Their expressions are ought to change once you land up on the guess that is the exact thought on their mind. And if you are nearly sure about their unexpressed thoughts but want them to reveal it by themselves, then you can keep talking to them about it until they blurt it all out.
Let The Muscles Tell you their secrets
This one is pretty common and more so often, gives accurate results. No one has to be an expert really to understand that if a usually relaxed person looks very tensed body-wise, that means he has something on his mind. Also, there is something called muscle-reading.
You can either keep pressing the person’s back muscles while making random but relevant guesses of what can perhaps be bothering them, or you can hold their hands while continuing the guessing game. Once the right guess strikes, you will feel their muscles tense up. This is how their bodies give away the hidden thoughts easily.
Telepathy ( A highly debated, complex, but if records in history are tobe believed, a totally effective technique)
Telepathy refers to the art of ‘thought reading’ without having to use any of the five senses. It is a technique performed between a sender and the receiver of the thought.
This technique needs a lot of practice and cannot be mastered overnight. Also, it has not really been proven by science yet some people continue to perform it with winning results.
Start with Generational Differences
Understanding someone’s generation can give insight about how he or she thinks. It’s a lens through which they view life, says Miner.
“Generational differences are fascinating,” she says. “Millennials often hide behind computers and speak their mind through Twitter and blogs. They don’t place value in face-to-face communication. Boomers, on the other hand, like to talk to someone in person.”
Miner says understanding someone’s generation will help you know the best way to approach them to develop a relationship. “If we’re closing a deal with a millennial, we know there is no need to fly out and schedule a roundtable,” she says. “They prefer a presentation via the Internet. For boomers, we spend the money and go out.”
Recognize Hot Buttons
Another way to tell what someone is thinking is to look for their pain points, which involves asking the right questions. Miner says it’s important to establish a personal bond to get to know what they consider to be important.
“What triggers emotion for them? Where are their comfort zones?” she asks. “You have to have big ears and a small mouth.”
Consider Personalities
It can help to notice and observe individual qualities to determine who they are as a person and what’s important to them.
Miner says she’s very analytical, and she relates well when people methodically lay out their ideas: “I’ve taught my team that they have to come to me prepared to back up their initiative with numbers,” she says. “If you don’t, you’ve lost me.”
Look for clues into someone’s personality by paying attention to characteristics and verbiage. Someone who prefers to be dominant, for example, might have an overly firm handshake, says Miner. People who welcome humor will often insert sarcasm into a conversation. Use these clues to determine their values and their approach.
Looking for Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal behavior is also important, and Miner suggests watching for body language clues. If someone leans in, they’re engaged. If they back up, look down, or turn away, they aren’t relating to what you’re saying.
Tone of voice can also provide clues. For example, if someone is answering you in monotone, they’re most likely unattached to your concept and not interested. If they look at you when you speak and move closer, they’re finding value in what you’re saying.
Be a good Listener
Finally, listen to what someone is saying as well as what they’re not saying. While this is harder when the conversation is done over the phone, Miner says an engaged or passionate voice is obvious. It’s also apparent when someone is frustrated.
“Their tone changes, or you’ll hear a sigh,” she says. “It’s important to develop a good ear that can listen for the subtle sounds.”
Anything critical or that involves emotion should never be communicated by email, says Miner. “Pick up the phone,” she says. “Emails are awful for conveying meaning behind the words. They can be a real hindrance to being perceptive.”
Mind reading and Hypnosis
The most powerful guide to mentalism – created by RebelMagic. Learn mind reading and hypnosis techniques never revealed publicly before anywhere else.
The Spike Cup Trick Revealed and Tutorial
One of the most popular mentalism tricks of all time. 5 cups or bags are placed down on a table, and a knife seats beneath one of them. Learn to correctly slam your hand down on all empty bags without seeing beforehand where the spike is placed.
How Predict What Card The Audience will choose
This are many different variations of this trick, and this is one of the easiest versions. Spectator choose a card from a selection of 3, and you flip over your phone to see that you had guessed it before the trick had even started.
David Blaine's Touch Without Touching Trick
An amazing advanced level trick. With two participating spectators, one has their eyes closed. Tapping the other spectator, the one with the eyes closed feels it and pinpoints exactly where the other was tapped.
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