How To Write a Paragraph

Fayaz Ali

Paragragh writing

A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized and coherent, and are all related to a single topic. 
Paragraph Writing


2. Structure Of a Paragraph that includes; * The definition of a paragraph * The parts of paragraph * Stages of paragraph writing

3. ”A paragraph is a group of sentences about a single topic”. Together, the sentences of paragraph explain the writer’s main idea about the topic. In academic writing, a paragraph is often between five and ten sentences long but it can be longer or shorter, depending on the topic.

4. A paragraph has three basic part; 1. The Topic Sentence 2. The Supporting Sentences 3. The Concluding Sentence

5. This is the main idea of the paragraph. It is usually the first sentence of the paragraph, and it is the most general sentence of the paragraph.

6. These are the sentences that talk about or explain the topic sentence. They are more detailed ideas that follow the topic sentence.

7. This may be found as the last sentence of the paragraph. It can finish a paragraph by repeating the main idea or just giving a final comment about the topic.

8. Paragraph writing has following four stages; 1. Prewriting 2. Writing 3. Editing 4. Publishing

9. “This is the stage when you think carefully and organize your ideas for your paragraph before you begin writing”.

10. PREWRITING STEPS There are six prewriting steps 1. Think carefully about what you are going to write 2. Open your notebook 3. Collect facts related to your paragraph 4. Write down your own ideas 5. Find main idea 6. Organize your facts and ideas in a way that develops your main idea

11. “The Writing stage is when you turns your ideas into sentences” There are five steps of writing the paragraph 1. Open your notebook 2. Write topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence 3. Write clear and simple supporting sentences 4. Focus on main idea of the paragraph 5. Use dictionary to help you find additional words to explain your idea

12. “The editing stage is when you check your paragraph for mistakes and correct them’’. Grammar and Spellings 1. Check your spellings. 2. Check your grammar 3. Read your paragraph again 4. Make sure that each sentence has a subject 5. See if your subjects and verbs agree with each other 6. Make sure that each sentence make sense

13. STYLE AND ORGANIZATION 1. Make sure that your paragraph has a topic 2. Make sure that that your supporting sentences focus on main idea 3. Make sure that you have a concluding sentence

14. “Showing your work to another student is a very useful way to improve your writing. This is called peer editing”. You read your partner’s writing and your partner read yours. You comment on your partner's reading your partner comments on yours. You might talk together, write comments on a sheet that your instructor gives you or write directly on your partner’s paper.

15. “The publishing stage is when you produce a final copy of your paragraph to hand in”. There are three steps of publishing 1. Make a paper copy of your paragraph 2. Show your work to your teacher, tutor or parents 3. Ask them for hints and suggestions to improve your writing.



paragraph structure

1. UNIT-3: PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE 2. What is a paragraph?

  • A paragraph is a basic unit of organization in writing in which a group of related sentences develop one main idea.

3. COMPONENTS OF A PARAGRAPH 4. Use Correct Paragraph Form
  • A paragraph includes:
  • Topic Sentence
  • Three “ Supporting Sentences’’
  • Conclusion
  • No paragraph should be less
  • than TEN sentences.
      • Topic Sentence (MAIN IDEA)
      • First Su pporting Sentence
      • … and one of these: explanation, evidence, example, elaboration, experience)
      • Second Su pporting Sentence
      • … and one of these: explanation, evidence, example, elaboration, experience)
      • Third Supporting Sentence
      • … and one of these: explanation, evidence, example, elaboration, experience)
      • Conclusion (Restates or summarize topic sentence )
  • A sentence which limits the topic to one specific area (controlling idea)
Topic Sentence (Your First Sentence) 7. SUPPORTING SENTENCES
  • Sentences that develop the topic sentence; they explain the topic sentence by giving reasons, examples or facts.
  • To produce such supporting sentences, you can ask a proper question to the controlling idea of the topic sentence.
8. topic: my father in his 20 s topic sentence: my father at his 20 was an adorable person for me Supporting Ideas: 1- his face 2- the way he dressed 3- his hair 9. SUPPORTING IDEAS HIS FACE HIS HAIR THE WAY HE DRESSED 10. HIS FACE: If you see Brad Pitt, you would probably agree that my dad’s face was just exactly like his. THE WAY HE DRESSED: My father always updated his dress style. HIS HAIR STYLE: His hair was amazingly styled. 11.
  • Then we write more detail for each of the three features for the topic sentence :
  • First of all, If you see Brad Pitt, you would probably agree that my dad’s face was just exactly like his . When you see his eyes, they are big and sparkling, just like Brad’s when he is staring.His nose of course resembles Brad’s: a pointed one. Secondly, My father always updated his dress style . He always followed the trend. For example, in most of his photos, he was dressed in up-to-date. Lastly, his hair was amazingly styled. He regularly visited his hair stylist to take care of his hair.
ADD DETAILS TO THE SUPPORTS 12. Now end your paragraph with a conclusion:
  • Remember, each paragraph must have a concluding sentence. Concluding sentence signals the end of the paragraph. It is the last sentence of your paragraph. You can f inish with a sentence that restates your topic sentence using different words .
  • Topic: my father at his 20 Topic sentence: my father at his 20 was an adorable person for me Supporting Ideas: 1- his face 2- the way he dressed 3- his hair
  • Conclusion: For me, looking at all his photos, my father is still the person I admire most.
14. The Completed Paragraph
  • My fa ther at his 20 was an adorable person for me . First of all, If you see Brad Pitt, you would probably agree that my dad’s face was just exactly like his . When you see his eyes, they are big and sparkling, just like Brad’s when he is staring.His nose of course resembles Brad’s: a pointed one. Secondly, My father always updated his dress style . He always followed the trend. For example, in most of his photos, she was dressed in up-yo-date. Lastly, his hair was amazingly styled. he looked like having freedom of his life with his dark wavy hair. He regularly visited his hair stylist to take care of his hair. For me, looking at all his photos, my father is still the person I admire most.
15. There you have it! It’s easy to write a paragraph. All you need is a topic, three ideas and evidence for each, and a conclusion! 16. REMEMBER THIS! Topic Sentence:
  • Idea 1
  • Idea 2
  • Idea 3
  • Detail 1a
  • Detail 2a
  • Detail 3a
Concluding Sentence .

What is Paragraph Writing?
 A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized and coherent, and are all related to a single topic. Almost every piece of writing you do that is longer than a few sentences should be organized into paragraphs.

What are the steps in writing a good paragraph PPT?

Writing good paragraphs ppt

5 Paragraph Essays Must All Have: • •Introduction (paragraph 1) •Body (paragraphs 2, 3, 4) •Conclusion (paragraph 5)

Introduction •Gain the reader's attention with a “hook”-some effective “hooks” include interesting quotes, description of a setting, or sensory detail.

What are the steps of Paragraph writing?

Step 1: Decide on a guiding idea for the paragraph and create a topic sentence. ... 

Step 2: Explain the guiding idea. ... 

Step 3: Give an example (or multiple examples). ... 

Step 4: Explain the example(s). ... 

Step 5: Complete the paragraph's idea or draw a conclusion.

What is the format of Paragraph writing?

The basic paragraph consists of three parts: a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. This basic paragraph format will help you to write and organize one paragraph and transition to the next. Topic Sentence: Often, the Topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph.

What are types of Paragraph?

there are four paragraph types — narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive—the paragraph can be used to describe or explain an endless variety of things. It's important to know how to use each paragraph type for the right purpose, though.

What are the parts of a Paragraph?

Elements of a Paragraph A paragraph is made up of a topic sentence, the developing details, and a concluding sentence. It is important to fully develop and discuss the topic of your paragraph. If your paragraph is only 2-3 sentences, there is a good chance that you have not developed it enough.

What are the 3 basic parts of a Paragraph? 

A paragraph is a group of related sentences that support one main idea. In general, paragraphs consist of three parts: the topic sentence, body sentences, and the concluding or the bridge sentence to the next paragraph or section.

What is the main idea of the Paragraph?

The main idea of a paragraph is the author's message about the topic. It is often expressed directly or it can be implied.

What it tells about the summary of the paragraph?

The concluding sentence tells about the summary of a paragraph.

What part of the paragraph introduce the main idea?

The topic sentence

The topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph. It is introductory, meaning it should not include details, rather, it should introduce the main idea which will be supported by the rest of your paragraph.

How many parts does  a simple paragraph have? 

Every paragraph in the body of an essay consists of three main parts: a topic sentence, some supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. Transition words and phrases provide links between individual paragraphs, and so are important to consider, as well.

What are the components of a strong paragraph?

There are four essential elements that an effective paragraph should consistently contain: unity, coherence, a topic sentence, and sufficient development.

How many ideas are generally found in a paragraph?

The Basic Rule: Keep one idea to one paragraph

The basic rule of thumb with paragraphing is to keep one idea to one paragraph. If you begin to transition into a new idea, it belongs in a new paragraph. There are some simple ways to tell if you are on the same topic or a new one.


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