Telepathy & Hypnotism

Hypnotism in Medicine CHAPTER IX

CHAPTER IX. Hypnotism in Medicine.--Anesthesia.--Restoring the Use of Muscles.--Hallucination.--Bad Habits. Anaesthesi…

Dangers in Being Hypnotized

CHAPTER VIII. Dangers in Being Hypnotized.--Condemnation of Public Performances.--A. Common Sense View.--Evidence Furn…

Criminal Suggestion CHAPTER VII

CHAPTER VII. Criminal Suggestion.--Laboratory Crimes.--Dr. Cocke's Experiments Showing Criminal Suggestion Is not …

Self-Hypnotization CHAPTER V

CHAPTER V. Self-Hypnotization.--How It may Be Done.--An Experience.--Accountable for Children's Crusade.--Orienta…

How the Subject Feels Under Hypnotization

CHAPTER IV. How the Subject Feels Under Hypnotization.--Dr. Cooper's Experience.--Effect of Music.--Dr. Alfred Mar…


CHAPTER III. THE STAGES OF HYPNOTISM. Lethargy--Catalepsy--The Somnambulistic Stage--Fascination. We have just given s…

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