How Google Crawler and Indexing work

Fayaz Ali

 Overview of crawling and indexing topics

How Google Crawler and index your websites 

The topics in this section describe how you can control Google's ability to find and parse your content in order to show it in Search and other Google properties, as well as how to prevent Google from crawling specific content on your site.

Here's a brief description of each page. To get an overview of crawling and indexing, read our How Search works guide.

Google Crawler
Google Crawler 

TopicsSitemapsTell Google about pages on your site that are new or updated.robots.txtA robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages or files the crawler can or can't request from your site.Meta tagsGoogle supports several tag extensions that govern search appearance and behavior.Crawler management

Ask Google to recrawl your URLs

Reduce the Googlebot crawl rate

Verifying Googlebot

Large site owner's guide to managing your crawl budget

Google crawlers


Control what you share with Google

Remove a page hosted on your site from Google

Remove images hosted on your page from appearing in search results

Opt out of display on Google Local and other Google properties with Search Console

Duplicate contentTell Google about any duplicate pages on your site in order to avoid excessive crawling. Learn how Google auto-detects duplicate content, how it treats duplicate content, and how it assigns a canonical page to any duplicate page groups found.Site moves and changes

Redirects and Google Search

Site moves

Temporarily pause or disable a website

Soft 404 errors

International and multilingual sitesIf your site contains content in different languages, or with different content for different locations, here's how to help Google understand your site.JavaScript contentThere are some differences and limitations that you need to account for when designing your pages and applications to accommodate how crawlers access and render your content.

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