Introduction to the World of Computers

Fayaz Ali

 Chapter 1:


 Introduction  to the World of Computers

Learning  Objectives

1.  Explain  why  it  is essential  to learn  about  computers today and discuss  several  ways  computers are integrated  into  our business  and  personal  lives. 
2. Define  a computer  and describe  its  primary operations. 
3. List  some important milestones  in  computer evolution.
4.  Identify the  major parts of  a personal  computer, including  input,  processing,  output, storage, and communications  hardware. 
5. Define  software and understand  how  it  is used to instruct the  computer  what to  do.
6.List  the six  basic  types of computers,  giving  at least one  example  of each  type of computer and  stating what that computer  might  be  used  for.
7. Explain  what  a  network,  the  Internet,  and  the World Wide Web are, as well  as how  computers, people, and  Web  pages  are identified  on  the Internet.
8. Describe  how  to  access a  Web page  and  navigate through a Web site.
9. Discuss  the societal  impact of  computers,  including some benefits and  risks  related  to their  prominence  in our  society.


  • This Chapter Covers :
  1. __What computers  are, how  they work,  and  how  they are used.
  2.  __Computer  terminology.
  3.  __An  overview  of the  history of  computers
  4.  __The basic  types  of  computers  in  use today 
  5. An  overview  of networks and  the 
  6. __Internet Societal  impacts of  computers

Computers in your Life 

  • Why learn  about  computers?
  1. –– Pervasive  computing
  • Also  known  as ubiquitous  computing 
  • Computers have  become  an integral  part of our lives.
  1. Basic  computer literacy.
  • Knowing  about  and  understanding  computers and  their uses  is an essential  skill  today for everyone.

  • Before 1980
  1. Computers  were  large,  expensive 
  2. Very  few  people  had  access  to  them 
  3. Computers  were  mostly  used  for  high tasks.
  • Microcomputers in  the  early  80s
  1. Inexpensive  personal  computers. 
  2. Computer  use  increased  dramatically.
  • Today 
  1. More  than  80%  of  US  households  include  a computer,  and most  use  computers  at  work.
  2. Electronic  devices  are  converging  into  single  units  with multiple capabilities.

Computers in Home

  • Computers used  for  a  variety of tasks:

  1. – Looking  up  information  and  news 
  2. Exchanging  email Shopping  and  paying  bills
  3.  Watching  TV  and  videos 
  4. Downloading  music and movies 
  5. Organizing  digital  photographs 
  6. Playing  games 
  7. Telecommuting
  • Convergence
  1. The computer  has become the  central part  of home entertainment 
  2. Dualmode  mobile  phones
  • Wireless  networking
  1. Computers can  be used  in  nearly  any location 
  2. Smart  appliances
  3. Traditional  appliances  with  built communication  technology
  • Smart  homes
 In  computer  or Household  tasks  are monitored  and  controlled  by a main computer  in the house.

Computers  in Education

  • Many students today have  access to computers either  in  a  classroom  or a  computer lab
 Colleges  and  universities  are even  more  integrated.
 Wireless  hotspots  allow  usage  of personal  laptops to connect  to the  college  network.
Some  colleges  require  a computer  for enrollment.
Distance  learning.
Students  participate  from  locations  other than the traditional  classroom  setting  using  computers and Internet  access.

Introduction To Computers

Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, from the way we work and communicate to the way we entertain ourselves. But what exactly is a computer, and how does it work? 

In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the world of computers and introduce some of the basic concepts that make them tick.
A computer is a machine that is designed to process data and perform various tasks. 

Types of Computers 

There are several types of computers, including:

Personal computer (PC)

Mainframe computer







Embedded computer

There are several types of computers, including:

Personal computers (PCs) - designed for individual use and include desktop computers and laptops.

Workstations - high-performance computers that are used for scientific, engineering, and other specialized applications.

Servers - computers that provide services to other computers on a network.

Mainframe computers - large, expensive computers that are used by large organizations for mission-critical applications.

Supercomputers - the most powerful computers, used for scientific and technical applications that require a high level of performance.

Embedded computers - small computers that are used in devices such as cars, appliances, and medical equipment.

Mobile devices - smartphones, tablets, and other portable devices that are designed for personal use.

Gaming computers - computers that are designed for gaming and have high-performance graphics and processing capabilities.

This is not an exhaustive list, and new types of computers are continually being developed.


At its core, a computer is made up of several key components: a central processing unit (CPU), memory, and storage. The CPU, also known as the "brain" of the computer, is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. Memory, on the other hand, is used to temporarily store data that the CPU is currently working on. Storage, such as a hard drive or solid-state drive, is where the computer stores its operating system, software, and files.

Types of Computers 

There are two main types of computers: desktop and laptop. Desktop computers are typically larger and more powerful than laptops, and are often used in a fixed location, such as an office or home. Laptops, on the other hand, are portable and can be used on the go. Both types of computers have similar components, but laptops are designed to be more compact and energy-efficient.

Hardware & Software 

One of the most important aspects of a computer is its operating system (OS). The operating system is the software that manages the computer's hardware and software resources and provides a user-friendly interface. The most popular operating systems for desktop and laptops are Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Windows is developed and distributed by Microsoft, MacOS is developed and distributed by Apple, and Linux is an open-source operating system that can be customized and distributed freely.
Another important aspect of a computer is its software.
Software refers to the programs that run on a computer, such as word processors, web browsers, and games. These programs are designed to perform specific tasks and are typically created using programming languages such as Python, Java, and C++.


In conclusion, computers are complex machines that are designed to process data and perform tasks. They are made up of several key components, including a CPU, memory, and storage, and are powered by an operating system. Whether you're using a desktop or laptop, understanding the basics of how computers work can help you make the most of your device and troubleshoot any problems that may arise.


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